
The chilling truth behind behind the impacts of Climate change on emperor penguins

By: David Fajardo

Estimated read rime: 3-5 minutes

(Vietnamnet, 2019)

The emperor penguins are some of the most resilient creatures, thriving in some of the most extreme climates of the Arctic. Yet today they face their greatest threat of all time, Climate change. Wide spread extinctions of species resulting from the effects of global warming have already been recorded and our cute and cuddly friends in the Arctic are no exception. In fact, Arctic species tend to be some of the most vulnerable species as many rely on sea ice for their survival. The following studies will reveal whether these remarkable birds will be able to overcome this new threat and what can be done to ensure their future.

How will climate change impact the penguins?

In a series of studies carried out by Jenouvrier et al., the species survival was based on the three following factors:

  • Redundancy – reflects the species ability to maintain viable populations across different locations
  • Representation – considers the distribution of the species across different habitats.
  • Resilience – reflects changes in population size, growth rate and habitat quality/area.

Researchers were able to assess the likely future of emperor penguins using future projections at different global temperatures

Figure one displays emperor penguin population size trends across different scenarios form the year 2009-2100

The studies carried out reveal the future projection of Antarctic sea ice loss using simulations. Using 4 different scenarios of future global temperatures (4.3°C, 2.6°C, 2.4°C, 1.5° C), the emperors population size projection from the year 2009-2100 is estimated across each of these scenarios.

  • low emissions scenario: ~27% population decline by 2050
  • moderate emissions scenario: ~33% population decline by 2050
  • high emissions scenario: ~47% population decline by 2050


The results of the study indicate the questionable future the emperor penguin populations face in the wake of global warming. They reveal a downward trend in population as global temperatures get hotter. The research sheds light on the projected impacts of extreme weather and rising temperatures under different scenarios. With this species reliance on sea ice for habitat, reproduction and overall survival, many populations are expected to disperse and decline leading to the endangerment of many colonies. For the foreseeable future we see at least two thirds of colonies being Quasi extinct by 2050 within each given scenario, even if emission reduction align with that of the Paris agreement.

What can be done?

Limiting our green house gas emissions has to be a priority! It is the only way we can reduce further warming of the climate, which has greatly impacted Arctic species including the emperor penguin. It is time to take action and cut back on our emissions by any means possible and give our Arctic friends a fighting chance against our changing climate. Although this is a big task which requires all of us to work together, every little bit counts and our contributions will not only benefit our friends in the north but also ourselves.

3 easy ways to reduce our emissions in our daily life

  • Drive less and use alternatives such as walking, biking and public transport
  • Recycle Recycle Recycle!
  • Turn off lights and unplug devices when not in use

Click here for more ways you can contribute to limiting greenhouse gas emissions


The sad reality is that we are in a climate crisis and our actions are having devastating impacts on wildlife and entire ecosystems, which are also essential to support our livelihoods. These studies should be used as a basis to show our actions have put many species such as the emperor penguin in danger and the only ones who can change the course of these animals future is us. The future of the emperor penguins as well as all biota on earth ultimately depends on the decisions we make today.


Jenouvrier, S., Che‐Castaldo, J., Wolf, S., Holland, M., Labrousse, S., LaRue, M., Wienecke, B., Fretwell, P., Barbraud, C., Greenwald, N., Stroeve, J., & Trathan, P. N. (2021). The call of the emperor penguin: Legal responses to species threatened by climate change. Global Change Biology, 27(20), 5008–5029.

UNEP. (2022). 10 ways you can help fight the Climate Crisis. (n.d.).

United Nations. (2022). The Paris Agreement.

VietNamNet. (2019). Climate change: Emperor penguin “needs greater protection.” VietNamNet News.

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